
DofE Bronze Award gets real!

15th July 2024





Last month saw 5 teams of Year 9 students complete their Bronze qualifying expedition in the Surrey Hills.

The expedition started at Newlands Corner, where teams repacked rucksacks with tents, trangias and first aid kit. The next job was route planning and a team safety briefing before setting off.

From Newlands corner, groups walked clockwise through Gomshall and Shere, then south towards Farley Green with camping at Bentley Copse. On the second day teams walked westward through Blackheath and then north again to the starting point at Newlands corner. Over the course of the two days participants walked around 40km.10

All teams arrived at our campsite in good time but had to pitch tents in the rain. For most, dinner was some form of pasta although one enterprising team cooked chorizo, rice and peas. After dinner participants enjoyed free time with each other. During the night the badgers visited camp and it rained again.

Next morning all were up at 7am with two hours to break camp before walking back to Newlands Corner. All teams finished in good time and all teams passed.








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