Primary Transition

The run-up to starting a new school can be an exciting, but daunting time, and here at The Forest School, we run an extensive programme of exciting activities which support you and your child through the transition from Year 6 into Year 7.

The Transition Team has a wealth of experience in all aspects of the move from primary to secondary school and this is evident in the opportunities provided throughout Years 5 and 6. This starts in Year 5 with our Headteacher Roadshows, where the team, along with Forest students, visit the local primary schools to provide information about what to expect when they start secondary school. There is also time for the pupils to ask any questions that they may have about the next stage in their education.

Throughout Years 5 and 6, we run a variety of activities at Forest and in the primary schools. The pupils meet Forest staff, participate in lessons with some of the teachers and spend time with some of the older Forest students. This allows them to become more familiar with how their new lessons will differ from those in primary school.

Other events offered throughout the academic year include:

  • Sports activities
  • STEM 
  • Cooking sessions
  • Coffee mornings
  • Drama/Music performances

Once you have accepted a place for your child, The Transition Team, Inclusion Department (where relevant), Learning Mentors, Heads of Houses and Tutors hold detailed discussions with your child’s current Year 6 teacher in order to personalise the Transition process to each individual. They offer additional support for your child’s Transition into Year 7, where necessary.

We hope that you will find the information useful, but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to send us an email. Detailed information about the school itself, such as Uniform, Attendance and School Day, can be found in the Parents section of the Information menu.

Meet the Team

Mrs S Allen - Transition Lead

Mrs Allen is our Transition Lead and an Assistant Headteacher. She visits many primary schools with Ms Austin during our Headteacher Roadshows and makes sure that there are various fun and exciting activities for you to attend at The Forest whilst you are still at primary school. You will see her around the school, especially in your first few days here at The Forest. 

Mrs K Green -  Pastoral Support

Mrs Green is our pastoral support administrator. She gets to know you and your family before you start here at The Forest as she collects all the information from your primary schools.  Mrs Green also sends you all the information and answers any queries you may have. 

Mr L Basson

Mr L Basson is the Head of Year for year 7’s starting September 2025.  He visits many primary schools to get to know all students well and will be involved in the upcming transition events.

Applications Process

Applications for entry to all secondary schools in Wokingham are managed via Wokingham Borough Council Admissions Department. Please visit the Starting and applying for secondary school - age 11  for further information and to complete an online application. 

You will be advised on the outcome of your application by Wokingham Borough Council Admissions at the beginning of March. After this date, if you are successful in gaining a place at The Forest School, the Transition Team will be in contact with a welcome pack and information regarding the comprehensive and exciting transition programme.

Places are allocated according to strict criteria, details of which are found on the Wokingham Borough Council website.

Useful Contacts:

School Admissions Team, Wokingham Borough Council, PO Box 156, Shute End, Wokingham, RG40 1WN

Website: School admissions

Information and Admissions Forms

Click here to view our Information Pack

Download the Acceptance Pack

Click here to view the Transition Timeline

School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and in setting the appropriate tone. The Forest School is a uniformed school and as such there is a clear expectation that students attending the school will adhere to the uniform dress code and wear their uniform appropriately. It is also expected that parents will support the school in ensuring their child attends school in the correct uniform.

All of our uniform and sports kit is provided by Hawkinsport* who can be contacted on 01628 819242.

To purchase uniform, you can visit their shop which is open Monday – Saturday 09.00-17.30, at Unit 10A, Wessex Road, Bourne End, SL8 5DT or you can order via their website

  • *Forest blazer
  • House tie — purchased at The Forest School
  • Plain white shirt
  • Plain black V neck jumper (No hoodies or logos)
  • Black trousers
  • *Forest Skirt
  • Black socks/tights
  • Black shoes (No boots, trainers or logos)
  • School bag/rucksack
  • Dark coloured outside coat with no large logos/branding
  • *Forest rugby shirt (optional)
  • *Forest shorts /skort
  • *Forest socks
  • *Forest PE top
  • *Forest Tracksuit Bottoms (optional)
  • *Forest Tracksuit Top (optional)
  • *Forest Blue Leggings (Optional)
  • Blue Swimming Shorts/Costume
  • *Forest Swimming Hat (Optional)
  • Plain white sports socks
  • Football boots
  • Shin pads
  • Gum shield
  • Trainers – predominantly white non marking
  • P.E bag-


If families choosenot purchase Forest optionals item, plain non branded navy blue is accepted

  • Blue Swimming Shorts/Costume
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • *Forest Swimming Hat or Navy Blue Swimming Hat

Food Preparation Nutrition

Chef’s White and waist apron available from Nisbets:

Chef's Whites

Waist Apron

All uniform must be clearly named.

(*Must be purchased direct from Hawkinsport)