Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
This information is for parents, carers and young people to understand how we manage Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at The Forest School. The Children and Families Act (2014) introduced many changes to the special educational needs (SEN) system. This included:
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to replace the statement of special educational needs.
School action and school action plus to be replaced by a new school based category, 'SEN support'.
A 'local offer' for parents
A SEND Code of PracticeWBC SEND Information and GuidanceWBC SEND Local OfferWBC Parent SEND Information
Need independent help or advice?
This is provided by organisations who are independent of the local authority, but who work wuith the complement the local authority SEND arrangements and Parent Partnership Services. In Berkshire, this Independent Support is SENDIASS (Special educational needs and disability information advice and support service). You can find out more about the by clicking this link.
Wokingham Borough Council have recently produced a new leaflet for parents of children who are transferring from primary to secondary school. It will be particularly useful for parents in Years 5 & 6. You can find the leaflet on the local offer here.
To contact The Forest School's SenCo, Mrs J Fear, please email SENCODEPT@forest.academy