Useful Information

We communicate school information with parents in a number of ways, letters and messages relevant to school are sent through our email system and via an App. We also communicate school news through a bi-weekly newsletter and through the school website and social media. Please ensure we have your most up-to-date contact and email address in order to ensure email correspondence can reach you.

We send information out electronically in order to facilitate timely communication and to try and reduce the environmental impact of using large volumes of paper resources. However, we are able to print letters and literature for you. Please contact Mrs Deer if you require a printed version of information.

Should you wish to contact a member of staff please visit /525/staff-email-list for their email contact details. Please be aware that staff will be teaching and may not respond to your message immediately.

EduLink One communication system.

This is an App/Website for parents, carers and students. The Edulink One system has an easy to use interface. Please see a Guide to Logging in. 

If you require any help accessing EduLink One please contact Mrs K Green,

In the event of bad weather, any school closure information will be promptly posted online. Updates will also be shared through local radio stations and via the 'Borough Alert' on the Wokingham Borough Council website.

Tune in to the following local radio stations for updates:

  • Berkshire Radio
  • Reading 107
  • Heart FM

Stay informed and check these platforms regularly for the latest announcements.

Our Cashless Catering System is designed to meet the modern needs of schools and academies, ensuring an efficient and seamless dining experience for students. This system enables us to deliver faster service, reduce waiting times, and provide a wide range of appealing meal options, enhancing the overall lunchtime experience.

For more details about how our cashless system works, please read the accompanying document.

We are pleased to offer details of The Forest School’s 121 Chromebook Scheme. The Forest School successfully introduced the Chromebook into the classroom developing the use of the Google suite as well as enhancing the use of digital learning resources to support rapid progress for all our students.

The expectation is that all students have a school approved Chromebook to support their classroom learning every day in school.  It is therefore essential that every student, in this year group, is equipped with the device.  

We have worked with our students to select a device that will be used across the school. This has been selected on the basis of cost and durability. The selected device is the Lenovo 300e, click here to view, and the following purchase options are available:

1 A one off payment £433.87
2 Monthly payments over 3 months £151.97
3 Monthly payments over 15 months £32.01
4 Monthly payments over 27 months £18.50

Orders should be placed via The Freedom Technology portal: with the login Username; Forest2024 and Password: S3cure02! which will be open from Tuesday 29th January 2025 until Sunday 9th March 2025.  Direct Debit payments will be taken on Tuesday 25th March 2025.  

If you have any further queries regarding the scheme please use the contact us section on The Freedom Tech website or

The school Finance Office sells:

A4 book cover £0.40p
A5 book cover £0.30p
Calculator £15.00
Drawstring bag £3.00
House ties £7.50
Stationery sets in a clear case (include: 2 x set squares, 1 x 30cm rule, 1 x compass, 1 x protractor, 2 pencils, 2 black biro pens, 1 x purple pen, 1 x eraser, 1 x highlighter pen, 1 x glue stick) £4.50
Water bottle £2.00



Smhw web

Satchel One (previously known as Show My Homework) is an online tool that students and parents can access in order to view the homework set by teachers'. Each student and parent has a personal login. 

Homework is regularly set, please check the Show My Homework app daily.

KS3 Homework Expectations (a fortnight)

  • English - 2 x 40mins
  • Maths - 2 x 40mins
  • Science - 2 x 40mins
  • Computer Science - 1 x 40mins
  • Art/Photography - 1 x 40mins
  • Geography - 1 x 40mins
  • History - 1 x 40mins
  • RE - 1 x 40mins
  • Music - 1 x 40mins
  • Design Technology/Food - 1 x 40mins
  • Languages - 2 x 40mins

KS4 Homework Expectations (a fortnight)

  • English - 2 x 50mins
  • Maths - 2 x 50mins
  • Science - 2 x 50mins
  • Computer Science - 1 x 50mins
  • Art/Photography - 1 x 50mins
  • Geography - 1 x 50mins
  • History - 1 x 50mins
  • RE/Citizneship - 1 x 50mins
  • Music - 1 x 50mins
  • Design Technology/Engineering - 1 x 50mins
  • Food/Catering - 1 x 50mins
  • Languages - 2 x 50mins

KS5 Homework Expectations (a fortnight)

  • 5 x 100mins per option subject

Student Guide -




Google Classroom



Students have a plethora of study resources at their fingertips. At The Forest we have invested in the GCSE Pod resource. Each student is supplied with details of how to log in.




BBC Bitesize




The school will write to you when a trip is first advertised - by email if we have your address, otherwise a paper copy will be given to your child to bring home to you. If insufficient monies are received, the trip may be cancelled.


Your child's place can be booked by completing the Parental Consent form (an EV2), and returning it with the payment/deposit if requested. The EV2 ensures we have your emergency contact details and any health issues your child may have that we should be aware of - your child cannot go  on a trip without having a completed EV2.  Download the EV2 form by clicking the link below.

We prefer you to pay on-line, but  you can pay by cash or cheque (payable to The Forest School). To make a payment click this link:


If possible please pay on-line for your child's school trips

Paying on-line for the first time

Step 1 - You need your email address and your child’s name & form e.g. Paul Smith - 9 Langdale. Email this info to or click here, to request your personal Online Link Code specific to your child.

Step 2 - You will then receive info which shows you how to register.

Make a payment

To make a payment click this link:

If you have a query contact the school’s Finance team at or click here. Your bank statement will show 'The Forest School' when you make an on-line payment.

At The Forest School, our structured school day is designed to maximize learning and provide students with a balanced and focused routine. The day is divided into three main periods, each lasting 100 minutes, with breaks and registration thoughtfully placed to promote well-being and concentration.

Times of the School Day  
08:40 - 10:20 Period 1
10:20 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 12.30 Period 2
12:30 - 13:00 Break
13:00 - 13:30 PSHE/Registration
13:30 - 15:10 Period 3

The school is continuing with Virtual Parents Evening with School Cloud following the positive feedback and attendance we received last academic year.

These video appointments can be accessed through a phone, tablet or laptop providing there is a camera and microphone. Please see links below for further guidance on using the booking system, conducting virtual appointments and how to invite another parent/guardian to join your appointments.

Each appointment will be for a maximum of ten minutes. At the end of each allocated time the session will automatically terminate to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Instances may arise where a teacher wishes to see a parent who has not requested an appointment.  In these cases, the member of staff will be able to add an appointment themselves via the online system and you will be notified.

This event is for academic subjects only. Please do not book a time slot to see your child’s form tutor or for PSHE. If you have any questions for them then please email them directly.

How to attend appointment over video call:

How to invite another parent/guardian to join your video call:


Student Absence & Attendance

  • What happens if my child is late?  Punctuality is very important. If your child arrives at school after morning registration has finished, they must sign in at the reception sign in screen and choose the appropriate reason for their late arrival.
  • Persistent lateness. We sanction students who are persistently late. Students will receive a series of detentions if they are late twice or more in a term. If persistent lateness occurs, the Head of Year or Attendance Officer will be in contact with you.
  • What if my child is ill?  Do not send your child to school if they are ill before school starts; please notify the school by phone 0118 978 1626 select option 1, this will put you through to the attendance line. Please leave a message on the answerphone with your child's name and tutor group.  You will also need to notify the school on each subsequent morning of their absence. 
  • A written note detailing the reason for absence must be provided to your child’s Year Tutor on the day they return to school. If your child becomes sick during the school day, their subject teacher, tutor or head of year will send them to the Medical Room, where they will be assessed by a First Aider and receive treatment if appropriate. If your child is deemed too ill to remain at school, you will be contacted and arrangements made to send them home. Please ensure that your emergency contact details are correct and kept up to date - any changes can be sent to the school via
  • What if my child needs a medical appointment?  Medical appointments for your child to see a doctor, dentist etc should be made outside school hours. If this is not possible, please contact the school office as soon as possible by phone or email student  with the appointment time and date to ensure your child’s tutor is made aware of it.



We are Aspens Services, a market leading contract catering company specialising in school food.   

We only work in the education sector so we know what our customers want.  Mixing this knowledge with an understanding of what’s hot in the food world sparks creativity and excitement in our chefs. Our kitchens provide delicious home cooked food each day and cater for individual dietary requirements.




Streateries is our secondary meal offer where everyday has a theme. Featuring Global cuisines, customised offers and food on the move, we are bang up to date with the current trends whilst still ensuring that there is a place on the menu for the comfort of our familiar school dining hall favourites. Each day the menu includes as standard a street food dish, a hand held version, vegetarian/vegan choices along with a selection of sides. The Streateries menu rotates on a three-week basis and refreshes for Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer seasons.  


Our Deli Kitchen brand is for the popular standard Aspens hot and cold Grab'N'Go offers. This can range from Authentic Italian pizza and pasta, Hacienda Mexicana’s burritos, rice pots and sides and Voulez Poulet’s house rub chicken, dogs and sides through to our range of healthy sandwiches, paninis, wraps, jacket potatoes, salads, fruit and cold dessert pots.

Aspens operates a cashless catering system using biometric authentication to provide the facility for students to purchase meals, snacks and cold drinks. Parents can access ScoPay through an app or online to add funds to their child's account.


Where can my child get their lunch or a snack?

Our cafeteria supplies a range of healthy hot and cold food, snacks and drinks, and is situated near the main entrance. It is open before school and during break and lunchtimes. 

We encourage students to bring in refillable water bottles; as a school we try to limit the use of single use plastic. We have several water fountains in school.  

Catering services in the main school are provided by Aspens.

Streateries Menu 24/25

We don't accept cash at the canteen tills as we operate a cashless catering system.


Entitled To Free School Meals?

Applying is very easy. To find out more click the links below or contact the Finance Team by email or ring 0118 978 1626. 

The School uses the ScoPay system to enable you to make payments for lunches, trips, subject contributions such as Art, Food Tech etc.  Here are some useful guides to help you navigate the system:

Welcome to the The Forest School Sports Website.  Here you will be able to view:

  • A calendar of current and forthcoming fixtures
  • Venues
  • Results
  • Match stats
  • School contacts...

...and much more!  The site is developing gradually and will include match photos, team sheets and Inter-House competitions. 

The school actively encourages pupils to walk to school, or travel by bike and public transport. See below for more details on this.

For travel advice and information in and around Wokingham Borough please visit My Journey Wokingham 

  • School Transport is run via Wokingham Borough Council. They provide a school bus service, which is run by White Bus Company and Horseman Coaches.
  • There are three school bus services, the M12, M13 and M14. For more details please click here 
  • There are several Public Bus Routes that students can also use.
  • The 128/9, 202, 204 and X4. More information is readily available by clicking here 

Please click here for the current routes the buses take. These lists are correct at the time of publishing, but please do check your journey details prior to travelling.

Meet Our Pastoral Teams

At The Forest School, the well-being and personal development of our students are at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated Pastoral Team provides comprehensive support, ensuring every student feels valued, safe, and encouraged to reach their full potential. Each form group is led by a form tutor who serves as the first point of contact for students and parents, offering guidance and fostering a sense of belonging. To help you connect with the right member of the team, we have provided detailed information, including the tutors assigned to each form group. Together, our Pastoral Team and form tutors work tirelessly to create a nurturing and inclusive school environment.


Communication Chart

At The Forest School, we value open and effective communication with parents and guardians. To ensure your queries are addressed promptly and by the right person, we have created a comprehensive communication chart. This guide outlines the key contacts for various concerns, from academic progress and pastoral care to extracurricular activities and administrative matters. By following the chart, you can quickly connect with the appropriate staff member, helping us work together to support your child’s success and well-being.

Communication Chart

Assembly Rota 2024-25

ssemblies play a vital role in fostering a sense of community and shared values at The Forest School. Our assembly rota for the 2024-2025 academic year outlines a diverse program designed to inspire, educate, and engage our students. Covering a range of themes—including personal development, cultural awareness, and key school initiatives—the rota ensures every year group has regular opportunities to come together, reflect, and celebrate achievements. This carefully planned schedule supports our commitment to developing well-rounded, informed, and empowered young people.


Contact and Visit the Uniform Shop


Hawkinsport will be selling ALL uniforms and PE/Games kit (excluding school ties which can be purchased from the Finance Office) from their store.

Hawkinsport Website

Tel: 01628 819242

Visit: Unit 10a Wessex Road Industrial Estate, Bourne End, Bucks, SL8 5DT.

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm

Students will be informed in advance to bring swimwear for swimming via Edulink 

Uniform List

  • *Forest blazer
  • House tie — purchased at The Forest School Office
  • Plain white shirt
  • Plain black V neck jumper (No hoodies or logos)
  • Black trousers
  • *Forest Skirt
  • Black socks/tights
  • Black shoes (No boots, trainers or logos)
  • School bag/rucksack
  • Dark coloured outside coat with no large logos/branding

Sport - Physical Education

  • *Forest rugby shirt (optional)
  • *Forest shorts /skort
  • *Forest socks
  • *Forest PE top
  • *Forest Tracksuit Bottoms (optional)
  • *Forest Tracksuit Top (optional)
  • *Forest Blue Leggings
  • Blue Swimming Shorts/Costume
  • *Forest Swimming Hat (optional)
  • Plain white sports socks
  • Football boots
  • Shin pads
  • Gum shield
  • Trainers – predominantly white non marking
  • P.E bag


  • Blue Swimming Shorts/Costume
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • *Forest Swimming Hat or Navy Blue Swimming Hat

Food Preparation and Nutrition

Chef’s White and waist apron available from Nisbets:

All uniform must be clearly named.

(*Must be purchased direct from Hawkinsport)


Uniform & PE Kit Donations

Pre-loved Uniform

We have a limited range of second hand uniforms available for purchase. Please use Scopay to purchase items or contact the Finance Team for more information email Second hand items for sale include: Blazers, White PE shirt, Rugby shirt, PE shorts.

Donations of Uniform

We appreciate donations of uniform and PE/games kits. Please drop your donations in at the school reception. Thank you.