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Parents Evenings
The school is continuing with Virtual Parents Evening with School Cloud following the positive feedback and attendance we received last academic year.
These video appointments can be accessed through a phone, tablet or laptop providing there is a camera and microphone. Please see links below for further guidance on using the booking system, conducting virtual appointments and how to invite another parent/guardian to join your appointments.
Each appointment will be for a maximum of ten minutes. At the end of each allocated time the session will automatically terminate to ensure the smooth running of the event.
Instances may arise where a teacher wishes to see a parent who has not requested an appointment. In these cases, the member of staff will be able to add an appointment themselves via the online system and you will be notified.
This event is for academic subjects only. Please do not book a time slot to see your child’s form tutor or for PSHE. If you have any questions for them then please email them directly.