Careers, HE, Work Experience & Volunteering

Information for Post 18 Choices

We aim to ensure that every student has the pace, challenge and depth in their school experience to allow them to succeed both in sixth form and when they go on to further education, training or employment.

All about Apprenticeships

Why should I do an apprenticeship? It's a real job with training, so you can earn while you learn and pick up recognised qualifications as you go. Training may take place on the job, at college or, for higher level apprenticeships, actually at a university or combination. Your employer will pay for your training and, in some cases, university fees.

There are over 180 different types of apprenticeships in a wide range of subjects - from arts, farming, child care, IT and accountancy to more traditional subjects like engineering and motor mechanics. Click here to see the full range. If you live in England, are >16 and not in full time education you can apply. Apprenticeships take 1-4 years.

Find out more about Apprenticeships

  • Apprenticeships  Find out how they work, then register, search and apply for vacancies anywhere in the UK - visit Apprenticeships UK and for lots of information on apprenticeships at all levels including the vacancy snapshot. 
  • Is a Traineeship for me? Traineeships last from 6 weeks to 6 months, the content tailored to your individual needs. Advice on how to get a Traineeship and where to go for more information here.
  • How to write a winning application - click here for tips on how to maximise your chances of getting the apprenticeship you want.
  • Want to talk to someone? You can call the National Apprenticeship Service on: 0800 015 0400 or 0247 682 6482 or email
  • To see companies who hire apprentices regularly, click here
  • Read the latest Apprenticeship Parent Pack here 
  • Click here for jobs & tips from
Where can I find out more about apprenticeships? Please find links to the latest apprenticeship vacancies

Considering University?

UCAS stands for the 'Universities and Colleges Admissions Service'. It is the organisation responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK and has lots of information for students and parents. Visit

Study Higher is another excellent resource it is a partnership of universities, further education colleges and other stakeholders working together to provide young people with high quality impartial advice and guidance about education opportunities. They offer a 'chat to us' function.

Many universities offer taster sessions, visit the relevant university website directly for more information. Students looking for university events can find them listed via and or

Alongside their post 16 students students may consider completing an EPQ or Mooc course for further personal development. Take a look at the following resources for information.,, 

Other useful university related websites include:

University Satisfaction Rankings

Click here to see how universities were ranked in 2021 by The Complete Universities Guide. Click here to see The Times Best Universities in the UK 2021 ranking.

How about Oxbridge?

In recent years we have developed a successful Oxbridge application scheme, to support our most able students to apply to the UK’s elite universities. The programme is run with support from Wellington College and involves interview preparation and help with extended projects. Oxbridge have bespoke careers sites that have degree information, guides and details on extra and super curricular activities and

Each year in March there is a student conference, book here for the virtual event

For more information about bursaries click here.

Did well in your GCSEs? Get a realistic view of Oxford student life on a free residential programme for Year 12 at state schools. For more details, click here.

If you want to look at alternatives or have a gap year, find our more about your options here.

Useful websites such as Not Going to Uni, – the one stop site for apprenticeships, gap years, distance learning and jobs and

Look at The Forest's Jobs, Training and Apprenticeships pages for useful links and information about creating CVs and searching for jobs 

For more information about Careers support and guidance contact: Mr S Jackman, 

To view live job vacancies for school leavers please visit

View the University of Kent Careers and Employability Services website it has information about:  Get help with choosing a career, example CVs, and covering letters, practise interviews online, aptitude tests and careers related to your degree subject.

Medicspot runs an annual grant awarding £500 to students, helping them get off to the best possible start as nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare workers.

The Medicspot Innovation Grant awards £500 to The Forest School students going on to study a degree or equivalent related to health, medicine, nursing or life sciences. Applications must be submitted online by 31 March each year. For more information and to apply:

Taking a Gap Year

Whether you want to work, travel and/or volunteer in the UK or abroad, here is a small sample of organisations who help with gap years. Make sure to carefully check out any company before making any arrangements, or go with a well established company with a good reputation.

Gov.UK - Advice for gap year travellers   Frontier - adventure, conservation. teaching, healthcare and more
Prospects - should you take a Gap year, and search Ideas for Gap Years Raleigh International - a sustainable development charity  working with communities living in poverty.

BUNAC -  work and volunteer abroad programmes

iGapyear - links to a range of providers

Work Experience and Internships

All Year 12 students are offered work experience. It is extremely useful for your CV and UCAS applications. It helps you decide what you want to do (or not do!) and you can get a real taste of the world of work. And when you apply for university, college or employment, it can give you an edge above other applicants. Many organisations now offer virtual work experience placements from insight into industry days, to week long placements. Most opportunities are free, but please note some may have a cost.

Register on the following websites for more information.

Or visit company websites for futher details, e.g.:

PWC -,

When you leave school and start college or university you could consider an Internship. Find out how to get one in the summer via:

If you are still unsure of your choices visit or or use their online tools and quizes for more advice and guidance.