

The Forest School believes that in tandem with an academic education, all students should receive information, advice and guidance to maximise their learning once they progress into the world of work.

The Forest School careers and employability programme provides our students with the opportunity to plan and manage their careers effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. It intends to equip students with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning. It promotes equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes.

Careers programme aims & objectives

The Forest School aims to support students to make realistic and informed decisions about their future, by raising aspirations and providing impartial information and guidance. The objectives of the careers programme are to ensure students:

  • Are aware of the range of opportunities which are realistically available to them in continued education and training at 14+, 16+ and 18+
  • Are aware of local and national careers opportunities
  • Develop the skills and attitudes necessary for success in adult and working life including career management and employability skills
  • Have access to, and understand, local labour market information 
  • Are equipped with the necessary decision-making skills to manage the transition from education to employment  
  • Are able to benefit from links fostered between the school, local businesses and further education/higher establishments
  • Can experience a culture of high aspirations, equality of opportunity in which diversity is celebrated and stereotypes are challenged
  • Receive extra assistance and guidance to reach their potential where this is necessary

The Forest School Careers programme

The Forest school is committed to providing all students with a stable careers programme from years 7-13.  

Many career events take place, including career specific speakers, workshops, information about college, apprenticeships and sixth form, CV writing, interview techniques etc.  As part of the PSHE curriculum we provide career-related lessons, activities where local businesses help to provide a realistic experience such as mock interviews, college and apprenticeship events and trips related to various career topics. The full careers programme can be found here.

Careers Contacts

Careers Lead

Mr Stuart Jackman (Assistant Headteacher)​

Link Governor

Mrs Karyn Close

Measuring impact of the Careers Programme

The Forest School will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destinations data at Year 11 and Year 13 as well as NEET (not in education, employment or training) statistics. In addition, the views of students and parents will be surveyed after key events. e.g. Yr 7/8 speed networking event, Yr 10 Mock Interview day and Year 12/13 work experience. Feedback of the Student and Staff voice will also be taken into account and the number of participants in extra-curricular activities monitored annually.  

  • Students and parents can find the careers programme here and there is more information below.
  • Teachers should understand the key objectives of the careers programme which is stated in the policy here
  • Governors should understand the overarching strategy and how this fits with the whole school objectives as well as the review process which is stated in the policy here
  • Education and Training providers can find the provider access policy here. The Forest School welcome support and help from businesses to help meet your CSR objectives.
  • Labour Market Information can be found here.
  • Information on careers can be found on the Natonal Careers Service website and there are a number of independent careers sites to help parents and students including Start Profile.


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  The Careers Enterprise