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Head of Humanities
Ms C Shaughnessy
Miss E Stretton
Miss C Thornton
Miss E Carter

History is a key subject across all key stages. Within History, we aim to explore a range of different topics across time and different countries. We encourage our students question the material presented to them and make links between topics. We teach our students a range of different skills, from source analysis and evaluation to the construction of arguments. These skills are taught and developed from Year 7 through to GCSE and A level.  

Students follow the Edexcel course for GCSE and A level.


In Year 7 students will study History from the Battle of Hastings, life in the Middle Ages, the role of the Church including Thomas a Becket, the development of Castles, the Black Death and the Peasants revolt. Students will continue the year by learning about the Tudors, the Stuarts and the Civil War ending the year with the Industrial Revolution and Empire.

In Year 8 students will focus on the Twentieth Century, looking at World War One and Two, the Cold War and Terrorism.  

In Year 9 students will begin their GCSE by studying Medicine through time and the Anglo Saxons and the Normans.


In Year 10 students will continue to study the Anglo Saxons and the Normans, the American West and start Russia and the Soviet Union 1918-41.

In Year 11 students will finish studying Russia and the Soviet Union and fully revise all four examined units.  


Year 12 students study Germany and West Germany,1918-89, The rise and fall of Fascism 1911-46, coursework Causes of World War One.

Year 13 students concentrate on the completion and submission of the coursework unit, the Causes of World War One, the final examined unit The British experience of warfare 1790-1918.  

At A level students have the opportunity to study and broad range of subjects.  Year 12 focuses on Germany 1918-89 and Italian fascism 1911-45. Within the Germany unit students investigate and compare how Germany has changed from Weimar to the Nazis to the creation and end of the FRG, looking at the political structure, society, the economic and opposition. Within the Italy unit students study the formation and growth of fascism, its influence on society and the economy through to its fall.

The final examined unit is the British Experience of Warfare 1790-1918, investigating how conflict has changed, the organisation of the army, the role of the media, changes to technology and the role of the individual. Students also complete a coursework unit, here they have to discuss the differing views of three Historians, comparing the interpretations and evaluating them before reaching their own judgement. Students are taught the controversy surrounding the causes of World War One but have the option to pick their own controversy.