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Head of Science
Mr P Hillen
Deputy Head of Science
Mrs S Stahl
Mrs N Abdalla
Mr C Burley
Miss R Hindle
Mrs S Ray
Ms W Lee

The Science Department believes that all students should be provided with a balanced Science education, which is both challenging and enjoyable, leading to a broader knowledge and a greater understanding of the world around them. This will enable students to cope better with life in a modern technological society and appreciate how Science can be used to solve a myriad of problems.

We believe in encouraging our students’ natural curiosity, endeavouring to provide equal opportunities and an enriching education for all. A “hands on” philosophy is ingrained in our culture through investigative learning and extra-curricular provision in our ten Science laboratories.

Our KS3 course is based on the 10 big ideas of Science and links seamlessly with KS4 in an integrated 5 year curriculum, providing a solid foundation for A levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Year 7 Modules

Sept/Oct Introductory Module and Cells 
Oct/Nov Particle model Separating mixtures
Nov/Dec Energy closts Energy transfer
Jan/Feb Speed Metals/Non-metals
Feb/Mar Gravity Earth structure
Apr/May Human reproduction Universe
May/June Variation Acids & Alkalis
June Movement 

Year 8 Modules

Sept/Oct Sound Light
Nov/Dec Voltage & Resistance Current
Jan/Feb Respiration Breathing
Feb/Mar Digestion Contact forces
Apr/May Periodic table Pressure
May/June Elements Chemical Energy
June Types of reaction  Chemical Energy

Year 9 Modules

Subject Topic

Visible light

Particle model

Thermal energy


Atomic structure

Chemical changes




Healthy living





In Year 12 the A Level students study cell Biology, Biological molecules, cell membranes, transport in animal and plants, infectious diseases, conservation and classification.

In Year 13 the A Level students study photosynthesis, respiration, genetics, evolution,biotechnology, ecosystems, homeostasis


In Year 10 students continue to follow the AQA Separate Science course, taught by subject specialists.

Biology topics are:

  • Digestion and transport
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration

Chemistry topics are:

  • Chemical analysis
  • Energy in reactions
  • Rates of reactions
  • Structure and bonding
  • Electrolysis

Physics topics are:

  • Energy stores
  • Energy transfers
  • Forces and motion
  • Electrical circuits

In Year 11 students follow Separate or Double Science, depending on suitability

Biology topics are:

  • Homeostasis
  • Response
  • Genetics
  • Evolution
  • Ecosystems

Chemistry topics are:

  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Resources
  • Chemical analysis (Separate Science only)
  • Further mole/titration calculations (Separate Science only)
  • Organic chemistry (Separate Science only)

Physics topics are

  • Electricity in the home
  • Magnetic fields
  • Electromagnetism
  • Radioactivity
  • Atomic structure
  • Pressure, Moments and Centre of Mass (Separate Science only)
  • Space (Separate Science only)


KS5 Biology - OCR A H420

In Year 12 students study:

  • Cell Biology
  • Biological molecules
  • Cell membranes
  • Transport in animals and plants
  • Infectious diseases
  • Conservation
  • Classification

In Year 13

  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
  • Genetics
  • Evolution
  • Biotechnology
  • Ecosystems
  • Homeostasis


KS5 Chemistry - OCR A H432

Year 12 study the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of chemistry: atomic structure and isotopes, periodic trend in electron configuration and ionisation energy, amounts of substance, electron structure, qualitative analysis.
  • Inorganic chemistry: acids, redox, bonding and structure, periodicity, group 2, halogens, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, enthalpy changes.
  • Organic chemistry: Alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, haloalkanes,organic synthesis, analytical techniques. 

Year 13 topics studied:

  • Inorganic chemistry: Rates, equilibrium, acids, bases, buffers, lattice enthalpy enthalpy, entropy, redox and electrode potentials, transition elements, qualitative analysis
  • Organic chemistry: aromatic compounds, ccarbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amino acids, amides, chirality , polyesters, polyamides, organic synthesis, chromatography, spectroscopy.


KS5 Physics - OCR A H556

Year 12 students study: Foundations of Physics, Kinematics and Dynamics, Work energy and power, Understanding materials, Waves, Electricity, Quantum Physics, Capacitors,

Year 13 study: Electric fields, Gravitational fields, Magnetic fields, The universe, Simple Harmonic Motion, Cosmology, Gas laws, Particle Physics, Thermal Physics, Medical Physics.

Additional information/related activities (There may be additional information for this section tbc)

There are two STEM clubs, for KS3 and KS4, after school intervention for Y11 and 13 weekly.

We also have visiting lectures - last year a genetics start-up called Phytoform visited and presented to a variety of classes, from Y9 to Y13.

In addition to work in school students have the opportunity to attend evening lectures at Royal Holloway University of London - 4/5 per year - these have just resumed since Covid and are aimed at any students interested in Physics. On October 31st the lecture was on Dark Matter.

For Y12/13 a  Particle Physics Masterclass at RHUL, an Engineering taster day at Wellington College and 4/5 day Summer holiday Engineering courses at various Universities, according to preference, are also available

Additional information/Related activities

  • For KS3 various activities include design and test a rocket car, adopt an animal or zoo, the Gerbil Club, a wildlife photography competition.  There is a STEM club with an industry day activity for all Year 9 students.
  • For GCSE Biology students various activities include Biology lectures from guest speakers, a visit to a Biotechnology company, Syngenta
  • For A Level Biology students there are visits to primary schools to demonstrate biological skills, a field trip to Kimmeridge, a lecture in London from famous biologists and a trip to a zoo concering captive breeding programmes.  There are also visits by guest speakers show casing what they do in research, or at their work placement such as doctors, nurses, or scientists